
Update script

Opened this issue · 12 comments

Hi @pablobiedma

Love the work you've put in to this, but I think some elements are not working anymore. I get the "unable to locate element" error for example.

Would it be possible to update the script so it works with the latest changes to the site?

Would love to help out where I can btw!

Hello @ybjlus thank you for your interest in this repository :)

I understand that it is no longer working as intended.

One of the main reasons is that I originally based it on XPATHs that are dynamically changing so the code is not finding the right buttons as the links are different.

At present I am extremely busy with work, study, and projects, and, much to my dismay I wouldn't be able to devote the required time to get this to work 100% again. I really hope you understand.

Nonetheless, it would be amazing if you could make some functioning modifications, for instance, updating the XPaths, or changing the structure of the script to make it generalizable rather than XPath-specific and requiring constant updates (maybe GPT can help in modifying the code). If you managed to do this, I would be most thankful, feel free to create a Pull Request and I'll accept it.

Thank you for your understanding, I hope you understand. Keep me updated.

All the best,

Of course I understand! Its a hobby project after all!

Yeah I saw the xpath's being wrong, I've corrected a few and it definitely solves some of the problems. But after some research I think the api approach is more viable and more future proof. Especially for tickets which are like really really popular.

Thnx for the reply btw!

Is it possible to share the updated code? Would love to get some tickets for me and my friends.

Hi ybjlus, did you share it anywhere?

Thanks in advance!

Hi ybjlus, did you share it anywhere?

Thanks in advance!


No I didn't, because I just played around with it. Quickly corrected some x paths to see how it worked.


I think you won't share it then, or do you maybe want to share it with me?

I'm trying to get tickets for my friends, but this site is the worst.


I think you won't share it then, or do you maybe want to share it with me?

I'm trying to get tickets for my friends, but this site is the worst.

I didn't save anything, it was just a quick test to see how this script worked.

Ticketswap also updated their anti botting protection, you will just get blocked by a 'verify your human' thing

so this doesn't work anymore?

@Williehack Nope, am currently trying a macro on my android using MacroDroid.

okay how can i uninstall the npm (if that makes sense, i dont know anything about this I just wanted to reserve tickets on ticketswap lol)

@Williehack uninstall the what?