
OctoPrint all grayed out (all controls disabled) after updating Plugin to latest (1.2)

Ozkovacs opened this issue · 1 comments

This morning when connecting to OctoPrint I got a popup about an updated version of the PowerFailure plugin.
I went ahead and installed the new version. Once installed, OctoPrint restarted and that's when the screen turned grayed out (cloudy or washed out if you prefer), and from there, I could not access any controls - all was disabled.

I was able to disable the plugin by restarting OctoPrint in safe mode, and only then (after restarting in normal mode) was I able to access the GUI.

You can see the details here :

...or you let me know if you need more info from me.


It is now fixed. Plugin install/update was not automatically restarting the server for some reason.