
Convert a streamlit app from Linux or Windows to an executable for Windows (.exe)

Primary LanguagePython


This is an example of how to convert a streamlit app from Linux or Windows to an executable for Windows (.exe). To do this, we use the pynsist package.

Demo based on takluyver/pynsist.

How to run

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Launch the development container or install the dependencies and NSIS in your environment.
  3. Run streamlit run src/app.py to launch the app.
  4. Run pynsist installer.cfg to build the executable (The app do not need to be running).
  5. Double-click build\nsis\Windows_Streamlit_App_0.1.0.exe to launch the executable in Windows.


Install NSIS

NSIS is a tool for creating Windows installers. It is used by pynsist to create the installer for the application.


You can install NSIS by downloading the installer from the NSIS website.


You can install NSIS using your package manager. For example, on Ubuntu:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install nsis

Add dependencies to pynsist

You have to add the dependencies to the installer.cfg file in order to be included in the executable. You can do this by adding the dependencies to the pypi_wheels section. You can use the output of pip freeze and then run:

pynsist installer.cfg

This command will create a build folder with the executable. If any dependencies are not found in the PyPI repository, you will get an error like:

nsist.wheels.NoWheelError: No compatible wheels found for validators 0.20.0

To avoid this, you can download the wheels manually and put them in the wheels folder.

pip wheel --wheel-dir wheels/ validators==0.20.0
