
Plugin Installed but Schema ses+api Not Recognized in Mautic 5.x

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I installed the mautic-amazon-ses this plugin to enable Amazon SES integration in Mautic 5.1.1 running in Docker (mautic:5.1.1-apache). After installing the plugin, the ses+api schema was still not recognized, and I had to configure the SES transport directly in the local.php configuration file. Despite this, email sending fails with the following error:

Unknown DSN scheme. Please make sure the mailer DSN is configured properly.

Steps to Reproduce:

Actual Behavior: An error is thrown indicating that the ses+api schema is not recognized.

Environment Details:

Mautic Version: 5.1.1

Request for Assistance:

Is this plugin fully compatible with Mautic 5.1.1 Docker images (mautic:5.1.1-apache)?
Are there additional steps required to register the ses+api schema?
If there are known issues with this version of Mautic, is there a workaround or an upcoming fix?

This worked for me:

composer require pabloveintimilla/mautic-amazon-ses
php bin/console cache:clear
php bin/console mautic:plugins:reload

Resolve any permissions issues or other errors with the above (if any).

Then, inside the Mautic admin:

Gear Icon -> Integrations -> Plugins


Click on "Install/Upgrade Plugins" in the top right corner

The AmazonSESBundle icon should appear in your list:

Now you're installed!

Now you should be able to create your EMail DSN with the scheme: **

Thanks @ZenDevMaster for your reply