File completions from a positional always show while completing a flag with a custom impl
ozwaldorf opened this issue · 5 comments
ozwaldorf commented
With a flag parser like so:
pub fn flag_parser() -> impl Parser<Self> {
.complete(|v| {
.map(|(_, name)| (name, None))
.parse(|s| DynamicPalette::from_str(&s))
And a positional parser that uses complete shell:
/// Images to correct, using the generated or provided hald clut.
guard(|v| v.exists(), "No such file or directory"),
complete_shell(ShellComp::File { mask: Some(IMAGE_GLOB) }),
some("At least one image is needed to apply"),
input: Vec<PathBuf>,
Completions for the input positional always show, even when flag (palette) completions should only be shown:
● lutgen apply docs/example-image.jpg -p <TAB>
PALETTE <--- palette completions
directory <--- file completions
benches/ docs/ palettes/ result@ src/ target/
ozwaldorf commented
I think #337 fixes it, started reviving it already. Hopefully soon.
Awesome, looking forward to testing the changes
ozwaldorf commented
pacak commented
Oh noes! I forgor to release!!!! 💀