
Hi author!

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Thank you very much for reading this letter in your busy schedule. Here are the problems I'm having with QtNodes:

I have successfully installed the latest version of QtNodes and I know that the sample projects are in the "nodeeditor/build/bin/" path. My environment is Ubuntu 18.04 and Qt5.14.2. When I run ". /resizable_images", the following window pops up when I use the right mouse button, and nothing happens when I click on either ImageLoaderModel or ImageShowModeld with the left mouse button. I have also run other projects inside the examples folder, such as calculatord, etc., and again there is no response. I don't know if my environment is wrong or if there is something wrong with my operation?

I look forward to hearing from you.

zmoth commented

Linux (x64, gcc-7.0, clang-7)
Qt >5.15
CMake 3.8


Do you think this advice will solve my problem? In your previous suggestion #374issues

zmoth commented



Do you mean that under normal circumstances, running any sample project under the "./build/bin" path will not cause incomplete functions? If there is incomplete function, it may be caused by the problem of related dependency version?

Unfortunately it is hard to say what might have gone wrong with your code. Didn't you try to look into debugger?
I doubt that something was wrong with the models. Maybe a signal from Qt was changed between versions and I did not process it correctly.