
Cannot reliably make multiple calls with one instance of the wrapper

jklmnop opened this issue · 5 comments

First off, fantastic work! Thanks for writing this much needed wrapper. A+

I'm trying to use this wrapper to get a list of interest categories so then I can set them on the user update, but it looks like the wrapper retains the fields param for the second call and throws an error.

Is there a reset method or a recommended way to handle this without a second instantiation of the wrapper?

    $service = new Mailchimp\Mailchimp($api_key);

    $all_interests = $service->get("lists/$list_id/interest-categories/$interest_category_id/interests", array(
      'fields' => ','

    //some logic to figure out what interests for user

    $updated_user = $service->patch("lists/$list_id/members/$user_id", array(
      'merge_fields' => array(
        'FNAME' => $first_name,
        'LNAME' => $last_name
     'interests' = $user_interests


throws error

Error on line 162

Message: {"type":"","title":"Requested Fields Invalid","status":422,"detail":"Some of the fields requested were invalid:,","instance":""}

File: /vagrant/intranet/application/vendor/pacely/mailchimp-apiv3/src/Mailchimp.php

I spent the better part of a day trying like mad to get this exactly thing to work so I could execute nightly triggers that moved people to different groups in our marketing workflow. This doesn't work, so I have dumped this entire repo and implemented regular php/curl calls and now its working perfectly.

I would have preferred to use this repo but it just doesn't work for these pretty straightforward instanced.

Check out If you implement these calls, its not as clean but they work great 100% of the time.

Repo master, I hope you guys fix this multiple calls issue because your API is basically worthless without it. If you don't have an API that allows you to use logic to implement a workflow of calls, whats the point?

I guess that'll teach me not to read the issues before using something! @gweiss27 thanks for that link, I went on and implemented my own calls with curl, not it works flawlessly.

It seems that e.g. using a GET request after using a POST request, mixes things up. This is due to the $this->options not being cleaned before being used again. So both the 'query' and the 'json' options are still filled, which results in problems. I'll submit a PR to fix this.

aw, heck yeah! 👍

thanks for keeping the dream alive, @stefandoorn!

Hehe, ran myself into the problem @jklmnop so needed a fix :)