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I'm not sure if I'm just being an idiot, but I can't get batches to work. Any idea why this code would always return an error 400, 'Schema describes object, array found instead'?

    public function update(Request $request) {

        $orders         = $request->orders;
        $list           = $request->list;

        $operations = [];

        foreach($orders as $order) {

            $data       = [
                'email_address'     => $order['email'],
                'status'            => 'Subscribed'

            $operations[] = [
                'method'    => 'POST',
                'path'      => 'lists/' . $list . '/members',
                'body'      => json_encode($data)

        $response   = $this->mc->request('batches', [
        ], 'post');

        return Response::json([
            'message'   => $response
        ], 200);


Ok, I've managed to get it to work, but there's still a weird issue. The code I changed was:

    $arguments      = [
            'operations'    => $operations

        $response   = $this->mc->request('batches', $arguments, 'POST');

The Mailchimp API accepts that, but no matter what I pass in the operations array, I get this as a response:

_links: [{rel: "parent", href: "", method: "GET",…},…]
0: {rel: "parent", href: "", method: "GET",…}
1: {rel: "self", href: "", method: "GET",…}
completed_at: ""
errored_operations: 0
finished_operations: 0
id: "9385d86f1c"
response_body_url: ""
status: "pending"
submitted_at: "2016-02-01T21:56:09+00:00"
total_operations: 0

Hi @mcblum,

Not sure if you still need it, but this is how I got it working, see below. The $batch variable is a Collection holding customer information in this case.

        // Build operations
        $operations = new Collection();
        $batch->each(function(array $customer) use ($operations) {
            $operations->push(new \ArrayObject([
                'method' => 'PATCH',
                'path' => '/lists/' . $this->listId . '/members/' . $customer['mc_id'],
                'body' => json_encode([
                    'merge_fields' => $customer['merge'],

        // Send operations
        $operation = $this->mc->post('/batches', ['operations' => $operations->toArray()]);

        // Ask for updates until its completed (every 3 seconds)
        while($operation->get('status') !== 'finished') {
            $operation = $this->mc->request('/batches/' . $operation->get('id'));

What I noticed, is that one the first call, the 'total_operations' tag is always 0. Until the status turns into 'started', it stays 0 in here, but as soon as it started it turned into the number of the operations I'm inserting.