
Code Architecture:

  • A single Activity architecture, using the Android Jetpack Navigation Component
  • A Presentation Layer that contains a fragment(View) and a ViewModel per screen(or feature).
  • A data layer with a repository and two data sources(local db using Room and remote). The repository layer handles data operations.
  • A domain layer that sits between the data layer and presentation layer. Business logic can be added to this layer.
  • Using Kotlin Coroutines and Flow for asynchronous operations.
  • Reactive UIs using LiveData and DataBinding.
  • Dependency Injection using HILT.
  • Unit testing of the Remote API Error Handling.

Important classes and their objectives:

  • MainFragment - Show list of Images and captures user interactions.
  • MainViewModel - Get the list of images and update different states.
  • ImageRepositoryImpl - Request for images from remote, save it to the local database and make data available for the ViewModel via the Use Case.
  • GetImageDetailsUseCase - In case business logic (filetering/sorting or marking image as favorite) to be achieved, it can be added here.
  • NetworkHelper - All remote API calls done through this. All error handling can be added here.

What more I could have done:

  • Handle Pagination.
  • More Test coverage.
  • Better UI - Styles and themes.
  • Regular commits.

What could be tested:

  • The saving of images to the local db. (ImageRepositoryImpl)
  • The deleting of images from local db. (ImageRepositoryImpl)
  • UI states in the ViewModel. (MainViewModel)

Assumptions/Features by design:

  • Every app launch search using the query "fruits".
  • The local db is cleared with every new search.