
python-pachyderm 7.6.0 requires protobuf<4.0.0,>=3.17.1

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I'm trying to use Pachyderm with dbt and running afoul of protobuf pins.

The last release of protobuf in the 3.x series was Sept 2022. dbt-core 1.4.x was released in that era.

Version 4.x of protobuf has been in the wild since May 2022, and its latest release was Feb 2024. dbt-core 1.5.x and later all depend upon this version. The latest version, released this month, is 1.7.13.

Version 5.x has been in the wild since March 2024. dbt-core does not yet support that version.

Is there any prospect of releasing an updated version of Pachyderm that works with protobuf 4.25.3?

dbt-core has just been updated to 1.8.0 and brings with it many long-sought capabilities, particularly related to unit testing of data transformations. I have read and hope that part of HPE's commitment to Pachyderm includes keeping up with dependencies more recent than 24 months ago.

Apologies, we are about to archive this project as we are no longer maintaining it. Please transition to using the improved and fully supported pachyderm-sdk. If you have concerns about any dependency versions please raise the issue in that repo. Thank you.