
Is this package still maintained?

Closed this issue · 3 comments

@jameshiebert, is this repos / package still maintained? Last CRAN update was Nov 2016.

I'm asking because Issue #25 causes lots of extra work to end-users but also sysadms around the world. There should be a simple fix to it and if deployed and uploaded to CRAN there will be lots of hours and frustration saved every day.

If not maintained, maybe there are others who are willing to take over the maintenance of this package?

Yes, it is. We're working on it, but multi-platform packaging is surely the bain of every developer's existence. Stand by; we're working on it.

Do you got an ETA for the fix?

If it's not clear, just fixing the bug so env var UDUNITS2_INCLUDE is recognized would go a long way. Then sysadms could set this globally and install.packages("udunits2") would work out of the box - at least on CentOS but I suspect also on other distros.