
Decide on XboxController layout

Closed this issue · 6 comments

To be discussed as a group.

Current Design:

Left Stick Field Oriented Strafing, Right Stick Robot Oriented Strafing, Triggers Rotation

left stick

  • up : field oriented strafe forward
  • down : field oriented strafe backward
  • left : field oriented strafe left
  • right : field oriented strafe right

right stick

  • up : robot oriented drive forward
  • down : robot oriented drive backward
  • left : robot oriented strafe left
  • right : robot oriented strafe right

right trigger

  • rotate clockwise

left trigger

  • rotate counter-clockwise

Q: What if both left and right sticks are used simultaneously?
A: The stick with the larger magnitude wins.

Q: What if both right and left trigger are used simultaneously?
A: The lesser squeezed one subtracts from the other.

Proposed Design:

Left Stick Field Oriented Strafing, Right Stick Arcade Drive, Triggers Robot Oriented Strafing

left stick - field oriented strafing

  • up : field oriented strafe forward
  • down : field oriented strafe backward
  • left : field oriented strafe left
  • right : field oriented strafe right

right stick - arcade drive

  • up : forward
  • down : backward
  • left : rotate counter-clockwise
  • right : rotate clockwise

right trigger

  • strafe robot oriented right

left trigger

  • strafe robot oriented left

Q: What if both left and right sticks are used simultaneously?
A: The stick with the larger magnitude wins.

Q: What if both right and left trigger are used simultaneously?
A: The lesser squeezed one subtracts from the other.

Q: What if left stick and one of the triggers are used simultaneously?
A: The input with the greater magnitude wins.

Personally I feel that it makes more sense to have all of the strafes for each mode on one joystick (field oriented strafes on left, robot on right or something like that), just to match them - then the only difference would be whether it's robot/field oriented, not that also on one it turns and the other it does something else... However, it would be nice to have arcade drive somewhere, which the proposed implementation would have.

Really though, it should be up to @s-agiedd, because she's main driver and most likely to be driving vs driving a game mech.

The entire drive team will be given an opportunity to express an opinion. It is not up to any one individual.

Do we even know who's going to be on drive team yet?

Nope. Stay tuned for an announcement from Steve in an upcoming meeting.

Proposed Layout

Left Stick Arcade Drive, Right Stick Field Oriented Strafing, Triggers Rotation

left stick

up : drive forward
down : drive backwards
left : turn right
right : turn left

right stick

up : field oriented drive forward
down : field oriented drive backward
left : field oriented strafe left
right : field oriented strafe right

right trigger

rotate clockwise

left trigger

rotate counter-clockwise

Joystick layout appears to be relatively complete, especially with the closing of #20.