
SQL file for Queries?

Closed this issue · 6 comments

It might be nice to be able to use a SQL file for more complex queries, instead of trying to type or paste into the command line.


Hello @sterlingpetersen ,

just to be clear, you are talking about the odbcsv command line tool, right?

I think this is a nice idea. I wonder how the syntax should look like?

Cheers, Markus

Hello @pacman82,

Yes, the idea was in reference to the odbcsv command.

I'm not sure what the best syntax would be. A separate subcommand query-file? Or a --file flag to the query subcommand? Other?



How do you feel about a new fetch subcommand which will provide mutally exclusive options --query, -q and --sql-file, -f? This would imply deprecating the old command.

I like it, it sounds like a great syntax to me!

Hello @sterlingpetersen ,

fetch subcommand with --sql-file or -f option is available since this Sunday. Enjoy! And thanks for the suggestion.

Cheers, Markus

This is great, @pacman82! Thanks for sharing your excellent tool with the world.