
Process Return Codes and Output Parameters

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hello @yangweng . Thanks for testing this library during this early stage and giving it a try. Neither Output Parameters, nor Return values of stored procedures are implemented yet. Thanks for providing the link to the documentation. Outputparameters will be supported eventually, but currently I am the sole maintainer of this crate and I develop it exclusivly in my spare time. I am currently working on a general purpose buffer class which allows users to consume the results of a row wise bulk cursor in safe code (other than with the already supported TextBuffer).

Which serves as a neat segway to the second issue you mention. If I understand your request for an fn get correctly it is some desire for a wrapper around SQLGetData. I do not intend to wrap this function soonish, as applications should prefer to bind buffers beforehand, which is more efficient. They'll do so automatically by utilizing the RowSetBuffer and ParameterCollection traits which are already present in this library, but currently require unsafe implementations from the user, if the cases are not covered yet.

I dropped the error from the issue title. As this is simply a feature not implemented.

I'll leave this open until Output parameters are implmented, tested and documented.

Output and input/output parameters are now supported starting with version 0.13.0.