
Pact cli Certificate Issue

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We had setup the pact broker and it is running in a kubernetes cluster
We are running the pact cli docker container as below
docker run -v $(pwd)/pacts:/pact/pacts -e SSL_CERT_FILE=${PEM_FILE_PATH} pactfoundation/pact-cli pact-broker publish /pact/pacts/examplepact.json --consumer-app-version=2.0 --broker-base-url=${HOSTED_PACT_BROKER_URL} --broker-username=${USERNAME} --broker-password=${PASSWORD}

Initially, we were facing the certificate related issue as below,


But at that point of time, we haven't added SSL_CERT_FILE (which we downloaded from hosted pact broker site as mentioned in this document), So we added that and after adding, we are facing the below issue


We were not able to decode the above error and resolve it, Are we missing something?, Can someone help us?

Could you please try with --verbose added and share the output? I can't tell from that.

One thing I will say, is that the -e SSL_CERT_FILE=${PEM_FILE_PATH} won't work, unless ${PEM_FILE_PATH} is a file inside the container i.e. you need to volume mount that also. It doesn't appear like you are doing that in the above command, unless the file itself is in /pact/pacts within the container (which is $(pwd)/pacts on the host).

So you could try volume mounting the SSL certificate and see if that helps with any of those errors also.

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