
Need additional details (total pact counts) on hitting 'describe-pacticipant' cmd

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Actual behaviour

When I run describe-pacticipant, I see the name, display name, updated & created date

pact-broker describe-pacticipant --name xxx-service


Expected behaviour

I would like to see the total number of pacts written for specific pacticipant and available in the pactflow (pact broker) as a feature request

This information is very important for reporting. If there is any alternate solutions, please recommend. Thanks

Software versions

  • pact-broker docker version:
  • OS: Mac OSX 10.15.7

There is a metrics endpoint at /metrics. That may help you.

When you say "the number of pacts per pacticipant", what exactly do you mean? The number of pact publications (one of these gets created every time pact publish is called)? The number of pact versions (one of these gets created every time a new unique pact content is published)? Or the number of integrations (the number of other pacticipants that this pacticipant has pacts with)?

Closing due to inactivity.