
Feature Request - support time based limit for consumer version selector (matchingBranch)

Opened this issue · 3 comments

The MatchingBranch consumer selector is quite useful for WIP and Pending pacts development use cases. However, these cases are typically resolved within a short window, eg 2 weeks for us.

We recently experienced a case where a provider's for-verification returned a 6 month old pact that was superseded by a change. This resulted in a provider build failure. Ultimately the fix was to open a new PR under a new branch name.

Quite normally some developers don't reuse branch names and this does not come up often. Other devs may reuse names for simple uptake of internal tools changes. So in our case a new uptake on a branch tools clashed with an older outdated branch that was verified 6 months ago.

So this request is to add the ability to limit for-verification results and use with MatchingBranch option

This requires changes to be made to the Pact broker.

YOU54F commented

hi @hborham please raise on our general feature board

as Ron has mentioned this would be a core feature of the pact broker and if implemented would then be available to consume/use in client libraries

that would be the best place to track this at the moment and where others can vote.

Transferred to the pact_broker repo.

If this is implemented here, in that then be integrated into core libraries.