
Are you still developing?

weaver-viii opened this issue · 6 comments

Support with angular it's great idea!) SIML is really awesome, man! What's your plan?

I've been using SIML in production for about a year now and I've only had a few minor issues. If you open a ticket, @padolsey is usually good about helping you out! I love SIML!

I'm really loving it!). It's great! In the future I want contribute to SIML, Anaphase, I like your approach "to write as little code as possible." too). @padolsey your SIML is a ROCKET!=)

Glad you're liking it! I consider it still in development -- let me know if you encounter an issue or have a feature request.

padolsey, but I don't want disturb you). Now, I'm thinking about integration the new MVVM vue.js and a syntax highlighting for Atom editor. In the future, I want to create if no one will do.

Please update this thread if you do create a syntax theme for Atom - I'd love that!

Anaphase, I don't use atom editor anymore. I use Emacs evil-mode. Much better + correct vi style and tons of plugins.