
GitHub action that checks the health and certificate expiration for given URL(s). Written in JS (calls cURL command) with built-in retry mechanism. Follows redirects.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

TLS/SSL/HTTPS certificate expiration and health check action

GitHub action that checks the health and certificate expiration for given URL(s). Written in JS (calls cURL command) with built-in retry mechanism. Follows redirects.

  - name: Check the health and certificate date for the specified URL(s)
    uses: padurean/https-certificate-expiry-health-check-action@v1.0.0
      # Check the following URLs
      url: https://someURL.com|http://someOtherURL.com
      # Verify TLS certificate, defaults to "no" (port and max-cert-days-left are only used if this is set to "yes")
      check-cert: no
      # Port is only used with check-cert "yes", otherwise it can be included in the URL
      port: 443
      # Max number of days till cert expiration; if this value is reached, the check will fail
      # (only used with check-cert "yes")
      max-cert-days-left: 1
      # Follow redirects, or just report success on 3xx reponse status codes
      follow-redirect: no # Optional, defaults to "no"
      # Fail this action after this many failed attempts
      max-attempts: 3 # Optional, defaults to 1
      # Delay between retries
      retry-delay: 3s # Optional, only used if max-attempts > 1

Check check.yml for a complete example. You may want to run this periodically, though (instead of on push), for example this triggers the workflow every 15 minutes:

    # * is a special character in YAML so you have to quote this string
    - cron:  '*/15 * * * *'

Check this for more details on how to trigger GitHub workflows.

The action will fail if any of the URLs reports either 4xx or 5xx status codes or if the TLS certificate is expired.

Build & Test locally:

npm run build

npm run test

NOTE: Build script requires Vercel's NCC to be installed on the machine.