
UE5.1 Crashes when spinning the second capsule collide

SC068 opened this issue ยท 8 comments

SC068 commented

The second collider is not displayed,When I reopen the Animation Blueprint, it worked.but when I spinning it,my unreal engine was crashed.

I second this, whenever I rotate a capsule collider or I think any collider, it just crashes. This is for 5.1. It's really frustrating working with the collisions cause it always crashes.

I thought it's only my AnimBP which has some problem, it's starting crash often when changing any collider/collision. Now I think it's only happen start in 5.1

My workaround for now is whenever I make changes to collider, I make sure to save my blueprint first, then click on empty space (de-select KawaiiPhysics node I'm currently working on so there's no KawaiiPhysics visual debug active), only then I press compile and pray it doesn't crash.

More often it works. sometimes it still crash the engine, but since I already saved my progress, next time I opened the engine my AnimBP is compiled fine (how? why? idk), it's slow workaround and very frustrating when I'm trying to change many nodes this way.

Also could confirm if I add new collider like @SC068 said, it won't displayed until I reopen AnimBP.

Hi guys,
Sorry for my late reply, and thanks for your feedback!

I can't reproduce the crash reported by @ruminaire but I have fixed the issue reported by @SC068 .

I believe @ruminaire's crash has been resolved as we've made a lot of improvements to the collider preview, but if it happens again, please provide the error log, call stack, and steps to reproduce.


When will the update release?

Hi guys,
This may fix the crash when editing Rotation

maybe soon ;)

Awesome, do you think maybe later today? (5/14)

SC068 commented

@pafuhana1213 I tried it and it worked correctly! Thank you very much to solve this problem!