
cannot load slices: malformed module path "slices": missing dot in first path element

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Hello! I'm a newb to building with Go, so sorry for my lack of understanding. I can usually follow a guide and hack my way around well enough. I think there are many assumptions in the guide that people building this will be Go experts... but I'm not, and I really want to run my own server for myself and my friends/family. So maybe it's not for me, but I was hoping I could pull it off.

Anyways. I'm trying to build this on an Ubuntu 22.04.3 server. I have the pre-reqs installed.

Go version go1.13.8 linux/amd64
Node v18.3.0
npm 8.11.0

Everytime I try to build or test it, I get this error:

build cannot load slices: malformed module path "slices": missing dot in first path element

It seems to referencing a call to slices in "account.go"

Any idea how to pass this error? Been banging my head against it for 3-4 hours now.

Go version go1.13.8

It is an ancient version, slices is one of the latest packages from stdlib

Check for a minimum golang version, then install it

Go version go1.13.8

It is an ancient version, slices is one of the latest packages from stdlib

Ah I see! OK I'll get a more up-to-date version of Go - thank you.

Updating Go solved the problem, thank you.