
Support Dart output

Opened this issue · 3 comments

I am developing Angular 2 Dart applications and could use your tool to generate Page Objects for the templates.

There is already a tool out there that helps a lot:

I believe, generating PageLoader compatible output would be the best way to go forward.

Thanks for the great idea @daniel-v

It would certainly add great value to the tool. Unfortunately, we have very limited resources at the moment and want to focus on having full Angular 1 & 2 support using languages like JavaScript and TypeScript first.

On the other hand, we are open to contributions if you feel you could contribute to Angular 2 Dart support. We are going to provide some developer documentation for the project in the near future that should guide people who would like to contribute to the project.

You mentioned TypeScript. When will there be Typescript support?

At the moment we are porting the tool from Java to JavaScript. In the long term it will be a better language for the tool and will allow easier integration with other tools like angular-cli. Once this porting is done, adding Typescript support should be relatively straightforward.

The actual tests when written in TypeScript are not that radically different from JavaScript Protractor tests, so I guess it should not take too much time. I have created a new issue for TypeScript support #3