
Not working from Tinker and Impossible to use the channel as a regular channel

yossefmydev opened this issue ยท 8 comments


First, thanks for this package! It is working but I wanted to share 2 possible improvements:

  1. It's not working from Tinker
  2. I can't log to the cloudwatch channel, for example with: \Log::channel('cloudwatch')->info('test from Laravel App');. In this case, I received the following error:
    "message": "Unable to create configured logger. Using emergency logger.",
    "context": {
        "exception": {
            "class": "ErrorException",
            "message": "Undefined index: via",
            "code": 0,
            "file": "/home/pc-10/Projects/laravel7/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Log/LogManager.php:227"
    "level": 600,
    "level_name": "EMERGENCY",
    "channel": "laravel7",
    "datetime": "2020-07-19T08:57:08.870730+00:00",
    "extra": {}

Thanks for your help

@yossefmydev I have created a PR to use this as a custom driver.

Can you test this out for me?

install as:

composer require pagevamp/laravel-cloudwatch-logs:dev-use-as-custom-driver

and this in your config if you have not

'cloudwatch' => [
            'driver' => 'custom',
            'name' => env('CLOUDWATCH_LOG_NAME', ''),
            'region' => env('CLOUDWATCH_LOG_REGION', ''),
            'credentials' => [
                'key' => env('CLOUDWATCH_LOG_KEY', ''),
                'secret' => env('CLOUDWATCH_LOG_SECRET', ''),
            'stream_name' => env('CLOUDWATCH_LOG_STREAM_NAME', 'laravel_app'),
            'retention' => env('CLOUDWATCH_LOG_RETENTION_DAYS', 14),
            'group_name' => env('CLOUDWATCH_LOG_GROUP_NAME', 'laravel_app'),
            'version' => env('CLOUDWATCH_LOG_VERSION', 'latest'),
            'disabled' => env('DISABLE_CLOUDWATCH_LOG', false),
            'formatter' => function ($configs) {
                return new \Monolog\Formatter\LineFormatter(
                    '%channel%: %level_name%: %message% %context% %extra%',
            'via' => \Pagevamp\Logger::class //remember this is the the class

additional param via is needed.

For this to work you will have to change you default driver as well, so in you .env add


edamk commented

@developernaren it works, but now it completely replaces default logging. An option to keep the default logging together with Cloudwatch logs would be ideal IMO.

netm commented

Hi there, I'm using Laravel 7 and trying to get this working as well. I did as above but can not yet see any logs in Cloudwatch. Your code is executing and not throwing any errors though. Any ideas on how I can debug?

It's easy enough to get normal logging working if you just add channels to the existing 'stack' channel.

        'stack' => [
            'driver' => 'stack',
            'channels' => ['daily','cloudwatch'],
            'ignore_exceptions' => false,

@netm It was working for me. If the log is not going it is most likely issue with AWS credentials. TBH, I tried as and independent channel and as Log::channel('cloudwatch') both worked for me but have not tried as a stack. But it should work. I will try as a stack when I have time and will let you know if I find anything.

@yossefmydev I have created a PR to use this as a custom driver.

Can you test this out for me?

install as:

composer require pagevamp/laravel-cloudwatch-logs:dev-use-as-custom-driver

and this in your config if you have not

'cloudwatch' => [
            'driver' => 'custom',
            'name' => env('CLOUDWATCH_LOG_NAME', ''),
            'region' => env('CLOUDWATCH_LOG_REGION', ''),
            'credentials' => [
                'key' => env('CLOUDWATCH_LOG_KEY', ''),
                'secret' => env('CLOUDWATCH_LOG_SECRET', ''),
            'stream_name' => env('CLOUDWATCH_LOG_STREAM_NAME', 'laravel_app'),
            'retention' => env('CLOUDWATCH_LOG_RETENTION_DAYS', 14),
            'group_name' => env('CLOUDWATCH_LOG_GROUP_NAME', 'laravel_app'),
            'version' => env('CLOUDWATCH_LOG_VERSION', 'latest'),
            'disabled' => env('DISABLE_CLOUDWATCH_LOG', false),
            'formatter' => function ($configs) {
                return new \Monolog\Formatter\LineFormatter(
                    '%channel%: %level_name%: %message% %context% %extra%',
            'via' => \Pagevamp\Logger::class //remember this is the the class

additional param via is needed.

For this to work you will have to change you default driver as well, so in you .env add

Hi @developernaren ,

  1. Why using line formatter here? Any advantages if we use line formatter instead of JsonFormatter?
  2. Is there any plan to merge the associated PR #24 ? It appears open for several months now.


  1. This is a config you can easily change. When I first needed this repo it was because one of the example I used was not working. I just used the code from that file and just made it work, it did what I expected. Because I searched and did not find a working code / package for the cloudwatch, I made it a package hoping this would be helpful to others. I did not even write tests. It was a PR from someone else that I merged. Same with the formatter, it worked for my case, so just defaulted. If you think another format works better, just send a PR with arguments why it should be default, if it makes sense, I will merge.

  2. this did not seem to be a priority for most so just left as is and also because this is a major refactor and the way it works, I will have to do some additional testing for this but I am very busy at the moment. I may have some time after couple of weeks. I can test and release after that.

It is definitely helpful thanks. I asked that question because the Readme on main branch shows an example that uses JsonFormatter. I was guessing that JsonFormatter is needed because cloudwatch requires logs to be submitted in json format. So I was curious when I saw your example config.
I'm trying to use this branch in my app. You are right. It is probably not a good idea to merge this PR as an update to the existing main branch as it will break existing apps using this library as it require changes in configuration. But I feel integrating as a new driver is the better way to do cloudwatch integration for Laravel. May be this can be released as a new major version release.

released a new version of this to work as regular channel.
closing this issue.