
Thermal Foundation Emc Bug

mxnmnm opened this issue · 2 comments

Metals such as electrum have emc values like 1.078 instead of 1,078. This happens to a lot of other thermal foundation metals.

Versions of the mod you're using? Versions of MC you're using? Versions of Thermal being used? Liquid metal? Solid metal? Be advised, afaik, nobody is backporting fixes to 1.7.10 unless you ask super nicely and even then, you may end up baking your own or waiting for someone nice. It's possibly an error to do with liquid metal EMC since it's per mB - have the values been incorrectly swapped, etc?

Thermal Foundation adds their own values via their EE3 mod integration. @mxnmnm please report issues with their values to them, and they can escalate here in the event that they believe there is an issue with how values are calculated.