Prepare release 0.12
Closed this issue · 2 comments
pajoma commented
Milestone 1
- disable codelens for now
- keep codeactions for close task
- implement codeaction for shift task
- remove markdown-it #102
- fix duplicate note links while syncing #97
- check why note links are not always injected while editor is open #97
- fix for placing items under correct heading
- fix for #52 in release
- serious refactoring to clean code base
pajoma commented
Milestone 2
- add weekday in entry selection
- add telemetry
- check why syncing notes from scopes does not work
- check why creating a note in scope fails to read scopes correctly from configuration
- add #104
- add "plan for next working day" (since "plan for tomorrow" will copy tasks to weekend days)
- done in "complete task action" should include the date
- handle week modifiers in input, eg. 'task week hello there'
- check why "last fri" opens saturday
Deferred to next release
- trim the task list (remove empty lines), add new tasks at the end (same with notes) #77
pajoma commented
Release as v 1.0.0