
HMAC verification failed even when --no-verify-mac is set

van1-6 opened this issue · 0 comments

van1-6 commented

Hello, I am consistently getting the "HMAC verification failed error when trying to decode a backup file even when --no-verify-mac is set. I've copied the signal.backup file from my android device and am running signal-backup-decode on my laptop running Ubuntu 22.04.

I am running the following:

$ signal-backup-decode -p "<passphrase>" --no-verify-mac -f -t csv -v DEBUG signal-<file-name>.backup

Output is:

23:40:01 [INFO] Output path: signal-2023-12-15-02-25-01
23:40:01 [INFO] Input file: signal-2023-12-15-02-25-01.backup
23:40:01 [DEBUG] (1) signal_backup_decode::input: Frame type: Header Frame (salt: [DA, D4, 4D, 54, 65, 06, 04, 12, AA, B5, E9, 08, 6F, 85, 4C, AD, DE, 02, FB, 08, F9, 2B, 5C, F4, 09, E8, 52, 64, 7C, 2A, 24, F9] (length: 32), iv: [9D, 43, C8, 62, C6, F4, 3B, 75, 81, 62, CF, 31, 75, 03, 59, BD] (length: 16))
23:40:02 [DEBUG] (2) signal_backup_decode::input: Read frame number 1 with length of 1595561157 bytes
23:40:13 [ERROR] HMAC verification failed (their mac: [F9, C3, 30, 59, 2F, 70, 98, CC, 0A, D8], our mac: [51, 88, 90, 3A, 73, 51, DD, 10, 18, B7]).

I've confirmed that the passphrase is correct on my android device using Signal's "verify backup passphrase" feature. Backups were created using Signal version 6.41.3

Using signal-backup-decode version:

$ signal-backup-decode -V
signal-backup-decode 0.2.3

Any insight would be very helpful. Thank you.