
Todomvc using app-state

Primary LanguageJavaScript

App-State TodoMVC Example

App-State is a storage model that can act as a communication hub to keep modules in an app informed.



Using app-state can be done in many different ways. In this example, we're using app-state with riotjs. As long as you have a means of templating and making api calls, using app-state makes managing an app simpler.


Each view is responsible for doing two things:

  1. Templating the appState to create the UI.
  2. Capturing using interactins and triggering Actions or updating the route based on these.


Actions are methods that mostly manage Api calls and push data into Models. Many Action methods are promise chains. Actions can have light business logic in the form of showing and hiding loading spinners. Actions coordinate multiple api calls if needed.


Collection of api calls that asynchronously return data. To keep things simple and modular, the API has no knowledge of appState.


Models get data pushed into them by Actions. All major business logic is in the models, and all model methods are synchronous. This makes testing business logic relatively simple with the use of rewire / rewireify.

Models update the appState and set computed properties on the appState. Models can be tested with rewire / rewireify, and by checking appState before and after calling model moethods.

Keeping model methods synchronous and about business logic, allows easy testing of important parts of the app.


The router simply responds to changes in the route. On app initialization the route is checked once, and subsequently the router responds to change in the window's route. Using traditional a tags with proper hrefs allows to router to function simply, and makes it unnecessary for views to call the router directly. In some cases actions may trigger route changes when performing a dynamic route change.