
Add an option to enable or disable Overdue tasks in today's view

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I found previous topic about the Overdue tasks in today's view but would it be possible to have an option in preference to enable/disable these feature ?

This feature could change from one user to another.

Sounds reasonable, but could you tell me why you would want to ignore overdue tasks?

Running from my responsibilities 🏃‍♂️😅

Reminders aren't always "blocking".
If I'm working on a project and something unexpected & urgent happens, I could shift my focus on other tasks for few days.
I could still work on my urgent event without being visually polluted with my overdue tasks and come back later to reorganise everything. This scenario occurred few times for me.

Another way to inform the user that some reminder are overdue could be the Google Calendar way.
On Google Calendar if you add some reminders and the date is overdue, they don't appears on your current day but Google just displays "X pending tasks"

google pending tasks

But at the end, there is no good or bad answer.