
input is pixels

johndpope opened this issue · 5 comments

workflow (1)

am using your plugin with

but it hits a snag.
my input image is 1024x1024

I load your node in try a bunch of settings but errors
Screenshot from 2024-01-24 16-19-49

your asking for pixels - not an image for input. how can I do format image to that?

weird I try an image from the zho library - and it works.

palant commented

This doesn’t look like an issue with my node. I don’t know why InstantID Generation produced a string as an image but I suggest you ask its author.

FYI . I think it’s expecting only png - I had used a jpeg that successfully resized but then maybe broke things.

palant commented

I doubt that. Once the image loads, it’s always represented as pixels in memory no matter what the original image format was.

ok - good to know. thx