
Bug: Error message "Unexpected error: expired_access_token"

David263 opened this issue · 10 comments

There is a small red square above the pfp icon. Clicking it, I see a light pink rectangle around an icon. Clicking the icon, I see "Error: Unexpected error: expired_access_token".

If this is a user error, it needs more explanation of what the user did wrong. If it is a pfp internal error, it should be fixed.

Maybe you could post a screenshot of what you describe. I don't see any colored squares or rectangles on my system.

It's too late to take a screenshot. Can't you do a text search over your code to find the error message?

It's not my code yet I don't see such text in it. I'm not sure if what you describe has anything to do with this extension. Did you setup some sync backend?

Fine. Don't believe me. Next time will get a screenshot. Sheesh! I do not use any sync other than pfp via Dropbox.

It happened again. Here is the screenshot. Probably a bug that needs to be fixed?

Please note that I’m winding down PfP as I can no longer maintain it. Exactly when and how is still to be decided, but I’m definitely not going to implement improvements.

Dropbox appears to have changed something on their end. Sync is complicated enough that this isn’t trivial to resolve.

Maybe sync support could be removed altogether (since it's broken right now anyway). Rest of the extension should keep working without further maintenance.

Maybe. But if the developer is sick of supporting the software, it should die rather than become increasingly out of touch as software and operating systems grow and change in the future. It is pretty bad when people start depending on a password manager and then it malfunctions or dies.

Unless the password manager is so very clearly and well written that almost any programmer can maintain it. But I get the feeling that this pfp, being just something that somebody felt moved to make for himself, is probably not written all that clearly that anyone can maintain it.

There is not really much to maintain in offline mode, sync may the only feature with moving parts.

PfP 3.0 no longer has sync functionality, sync can be done externally.