Port matching is breaks when docker-compose ps output changes
hirochri opened this issue · 6 comments
What happened?
I was using the docker compose rule and found that after adding health checks to my docker-compose.yml
the docker compose rule fails because it cannot it can't find the internal port for a random container and then triggers this exception:
Did some digging, and came to the conclusion that this breaks because there is some flawed logic in the parsing of the ports from docker-compose
We grab the process output from running
docker-compose ps
here and pass it into theparseFromDockerComposePs
method: -
, a regex is used to match the ports within the output
When there are no health checks within the docker-compose.yml
, the output often looks like this:
Name Command State Ports
container.name.here service/bin/linux- Up>1234/tcp
amd64/go ...
Here the regex matches successfully and pulls port 1234
out of>1234/tcp
When there are health checks, the output for docker-compose ps
gets shifted and truncated at a random spot, causing the port information to be split across multiple lines:
Name Command State Ports
container.name.here service/bin/linux- Up (healthy)>1234/
amd64/go ... tcp
This makes it so that the regex is unable to be matched, so no ports are returned from parseFromDockerComposePs
, and then the entire docker compose rule fails (as mentioned above).
Here is a test case that confirms this is the issue:
public void testcase() {
Pattern PORT_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("((\\d+).(\\d+).(\\d+).(\\d+)):(\\d+)->(\\d+)/tcp");
String psOutput = " Name Command State Ports \n"
+ "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ "container.name.here service/bin/linux- Up (healthy)>1234/t\n"
+ " amd64/go ... cp ";
Matcher matcher = PORT_PATTERN.matcher(psOutput);
System.out.println(matcher.find()); // False
String psOutput2 = " Name Command State Ports \n"
+ "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ "container.name.here service/bin/linux- Up (healthy)>1234/tcp\n" // Added -cp
+ " amd64/go ... cp ";
Matcher matcher2 = PORT_PATTERN.matcher(psOutput2);
System.out.println(matcher2.find()); // True
What did you want to happen?
The parsing of the ports from the command line output should not fail because the whitespacing changed, it should be clever enough to pull out the port information from the output (since all the information is there). Either we do some manipulation of the output coming from docker-compose ps
, or make the regex that parses it do a little more
A good way to solve this problem would be to use the output of
docker ps --no-trunc --filter id=$(docker-compose ps -q <container_name>) --format "{{ .Ports }}"
Which will return>1234/tcp,>4567/tcp
This lets the regex keep working as expected
Am working on a fix, will PR when its ready
@hirochri Nice problem breakdown, I'm actually amazed the regex approach has lasted this long. Please tag me in the PR/message me internally when you need a review.
Unfortunately I am still seeing this issue on my local machine using docker-compose-rule 1.4.2 which has the fix from #424.
macOS Mojave 10.14.6
docker-compose version 1.25.1-rc1, build d92e9bee
Example docker ps output when debugging docker-compose-rule:
Name Command State Ports
container.name.here /abc/something/hello/a Up 11/tcp,>
/b/c ... 1234/tcp, 5678/tcp,
Hopefully this should be fixed in docker-compose 1.25.2, which has the release note:
Assume infinite terminal width when not running in a terminal
Docker for mac is scheduled for release will include this fixed version of docker-compose. I think this only affects people on the edge channel of Docker-for-mac.
Switched back from edge (docker-compose 1.25.1-rc1) to stable (docker-compose 1.25.2) and don't see the issue anymore!