
Please add more specific options

Closed this issue · 3 comments


today I have found your very nice tool and its nice but for me, some options are missing. In C# I know some guidelines for private members like mBirthday or m_birthday birthday. So I know the rule varname but its only check for upper- or camelCase. the feature for some prefixes would be great like:
privateMembers: [true, camelCase, "
"] or whatever.

The second thing that I miss is to check whether the opening brace is on the sameline or on new line. Yeah I know the option for oneline: [true, "check-open-brace"] but its only working with true and check-open-brace if the brace is on the same line like: if() { or class Any {.

What about check for unused variables? I think JSLint or JSHint could give you some more example about the options but I dont need JSLint or JSHint, I need TSLint :).

Regards and great work.


First of all, these are tslint issues, you should consider filing it there :)

I have an open issue to create pluggable rules. Once that's done, you should be able to add your own rules, since they tend to be quite project-specific.

There's also an open issue on adding checks for unused variables.

So If you have an open ticket for this at tslint this can be closed or I can create the same at the tslint repo if you want.



yup, there are tickets tracking these at tslint. closing this...