
pyls lstat-ing all files in the directory tree

sntgluca opened this issue · 0 comments

Dear all,

I am using pyls using JupyterLab, via the excellent and new package.

I do experience difficulties very similar to the one reported in #421

If I start Jupyter from my home directory, which contains several python projects, pyls walks though the whole tree, searching and lstat-ing all the python files in there, making the experience frustrating and unusable.
By starting the server from a different directory, without children to walk through, pyls works extremely well.

I checked the behaviour viastrace -p $(pgrep pyls) as recommended in the ticket.

I hope you can suggest how pyls could be configured (via environmental variables, or any other configuration trick) to force pyls to search only in my PYTHONPATH and in my open file, without traversing the whole directory tree.
Thank you

I am using
