
ESLint configuration in plugin:diff/staged is invalid:

link89 opened this issue · 1 comments

I have install the plugin and add plugin:diff/staged in extends file of .eslintrc.js, and when I run with npx eslint --debug, I found the following error

  eslint:config-file Loading plugin:diff/staged +225ms
  eslint:config-file Attempting to resolve eslint-plugin-diff +0ms
  eslint:config-file Loading JS config file: /Users/henry.xu/workspace/Fiji-Play/node_modules/eslint-plugin-diff/dist/index.js +0ms
ESLint configuration in plugin:diff/staged is invalid:
	- Unexpected top-level property "overrides[0].processor".

overrides[0].processor was added to ESLint in version 6.7.0, so I suspect you might be using a version of ESLint older than that.

Could you please run npx eslint --version and post the output here?

I'm closing this ticket for now, and if you have a more recent version, please let me know and I'll re-open this ticket.

Thanks in advance!