
Destination path only home directory?

Closed this issue · 4 comments

First, thanks for this handy tool!

Second, I see your example case has a destination path as the first parameter. However, when I include a destination path, I'm told the ABI_Downloader function only uses 7, not 8, parameters. Leaving out the destination path works, but files are then saved to my home directory. Unfortunately, I am very limited in what I am allowed to store there, so I'd like to download the files directly to another location that I specify,

Problem solved. I uninstalled goespy and reinstalled from source code. The first time I installed with pip and tried --upgrade, but that didn't do it.

We need do new build to pypi, new features are only in source code. But thank so much for your feedback

@palexandremello let me know if I can help update pypi with the latest version of goes-py.

@david-e-rupp thanks for using the download tool! I'd also be interested in hearing about what application you're using GOES ABI imagery for.

I am going to close this issue, but note that we do need to release the latest version of goespy to pypi!