Bag of Holding is a web app that lets all the players in a tabletop RPG session track their inventory in one central location. Inventory sheets are created without requiring any account creation or authentication and update in real time, allowing for easy and convenient collaboration between players, as well as offering advanced filters and searching that makes it suitable for tracking both the group inventory and the inventory of individual players.
Stack: Bag of Holding is built primarily using the following technologies:
- Typescript
- React, bootstrapped with Next.js via
and Chakra UI for styling - PostgreSQL Database hosted on Supabase
- Hosted on Vercel
NOTE: You need docker installed
How to install and locally host your own installation of Bag of Holding:
- Fork + Clone this repository
- Run the
command (yarn must be installed) and wait for installation of packages to finish - Run
yarn dev
to run the application
We will gladly accept any help you want to offer us. If you want to contribute to Bag of Holding, please read this section and follow any instructions.
It is recommended that you install the following extensions before starting work on Bag of Holding:
- Prettier (esbenp.prettier-vscode): An extension for formatting your code.
- Prettier ESLint (rvest.vs-code-prettier-eslint): An extension that allows the
extension operate in conjunction withESlint
. By using both of these extensions we can make sure we are following a consistent code style which goes a long way to making the codebase consistent and predictable.
When making commits to this repository run yarn commit
in your terminal and follow the prompts to generate a high quality message that will be accepted.