
FoundryVTT module for editing multiple placeables at the same time.

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Mass Edit

FoundryVTT module for searching and editing multiple placeables at the same time.

Support me on Patreon to get access to the the version that supports field randomization.

Note that all keybinding referenced bellow can be changed via 'Configure Controls'

Recommended modules:


Select the placeables you wish to edit and press 'Shift+E'.

You will be presented with the following modified 'Configuration' window:


Common data shared between all placeables will be highlighted as green, differing data as orange, and flags as purple. The newly added checkboxes to the right indicate which fields will be saved on Apply.

In addition to this key-binding Token and Tile HUDs will contain a new button if multiple tokens or tiles are selected which will also open up this modified configuration window.



An alternative to selecting placeables manually is to press 'Shift+F' to open a configuration window which will allow you to perform scene wide searches using the selected fields.



Specific data can be copied from placeables using 'Shift+C'. Data copied this way can be pasted on any selected or hovered over placeables using 'Shift+V'. Each placeable type has it's own "clipboard" from which data will be pasted.



Any configuration window opened using the module will have a 'Presets' header button. It will open up a window where you can store currently selected fields and re-use them later.



Numerical fields can be added and subtracted instead of overriding the current value. This can be done by right-clicking the numerical controls in the Mass-Edit form. Green background indicating addition, and red subtraction.


Permission Editing

Note and Token/Actor forms will contain a 'Permissions' header button allowing you to change access for any selected note, token, or actor.


View selected fields as JSON

All Mass Edit forms have a header button (</>) that will open up a dialog with currently selected fields displayed as JSON



When enabled in the module settings, updates made to placeables will be tracked and available via Mass Edit forms. These updates can be selected to be applied to the currently open form or copied to the module's clipboard to be pasted on other placeables.


Example Video

The video bellow shows off Mass Search and Edit being used on various placeables:



At the moment a Patreon exclusive feature.

Randomize any numerical, color, text, image, drop-down, or coordinate values.


  • Can use either the provided name generators or your own list of strings to choose from
  • Find and Replace text within the selected field


  • Randomize value between the minimum and maximum ranges
  • "Step Size" controls the granularity of the generated numbers
    • Min: 0, Max: 10, Step Size: 0.1, RNG => 0.5, 7.2, 9.9 etc.
    • Min: 0, Max: 10, Step Size: 1, RNG => 3, 5, 9 etc.
  • Instead of picking random numbers the module can also be instructed to interpolate values, returning sequentially larger ones


  • Will pick random non-overlapping coordinates within the bounding square
  • Define the bounds either manually or using the 'Select Range' tool
  • Snap to grid tool will adjust the selected range to overlap with the grid


  • Will allow to select all values within the dropdown that you wish to include in the randomization


  • Uses a list of image paths to randomly select images from
  • The list can be populated either manually, using Folder Select tool, or Token Variant Art if installed
  • Images can also be applied sequentially in list order rather than randomly
  • Supports Find and Replace


  • Randomizes using the range defined by two selected colors, space, and hue
  • By default full color spectrum will be selected for you, but you may define your own color ranges
  • Supports interpolation


  • Simple On/Off randomization 50/50