
Handling PG exceptions

palkan opened this issue · 3 comments

From #69:

I'd also appreciate if there were an error_handling function which I could define to 'rescue' any errors inside logidze without failing the transaction. I do this for a number of my other function, e.g.

      RAISE WARNING 'APP_NOTICE: DATABASE ERROR DETECTED: function % on invoice_ids %. running: %\n', fn_name, invoice_ids, current_query();
          _db_err_sql_state := RETURNED_SQLSTATE,
          _db_err_message := MESSAGE_TEXT,
          _db_err_detail := PG_EXCEPTION_DETAIL,
          _db_err_hint := PG_EXCEPTION_HINT,
          _db_err_context := PG_EXCEPTION_CONTEXT;

      IF COALESCE(current_setting('logidze.meta', true), '') <> '' THEN
        _db_err_responsible_id := current_setting('logidze.meta')::text;
      END IF;

      INSERT INTO database_errors (
        sql_state, message, detail, hint, context,
        fn_name, fn_args, current_query, responsible_id
      ) VALUES (
        _db_err_sql_state, _db_err_message, _db_err_detail, _db_err_hint, _db_err_context,
        fn_name, quote_literal(invoice_ids::text), current_query()::text, _db_err_responsible_id

@bf4 Could you, please, clarify the "without failing the transaction"? Do you want a trigger function to quietly fail (and log the error somehow) even if the log entry hasn't been created? How would this affect the consistency of data?

bf4 commented

re: "without failing the transaction"

It's my understanding that a function with raises an exception, whether it's a before or after trigger, causes the entire transaction to fail.

@palkan I have two ideas here

  1. have a no-op exception handler which allows user-defined exception handling*. ( perhaps allow it to be configured to fail with a warning instead of exception?) In my case, I'd log rescue it and log it in a database table, which will record the failed change, but allow me to review it at least. I'm not positive I could retry it in a useful way. (Some functions I do retry from that table). In general, losing log data is preferable to failing the action. I try never to raise from a side-effect.
  2. have a fallback 'serialization' strategy for known exception types which may be slower but are known or expected not to fail

either can be configured to take the name of a function and pass in args to it, or just be expected to be redefinable by the user

or just be expected to be redefinable by the user

Yeah, we though about similar: defining a blank (or re-raising) logidze_exception_handler function and allow users to redefine it.

have a fallback 'serialization' strategy for known exception types which may be slower but are known or expected not to fail

I like it. We can extract diff-to-jsonb conversion into a separate function (oh no, one more function 🤯) and implement a fallback within it. So instead of

IF (coalesce(current_setting('logidze.full_snapshot', true), '') = 'on') THEN
changes = hstore_to_jsonb_loose(hstore(NEW.*));
changes = hstore_to_jsonb_loose(
hstore(NEW.*) - hstore(OLD.*)

We gonna use:

      IF (coalesce(current_setting('logidze.full_snapshot', true), '') = 'on') THEN
        changes = logidze_diff_to_jsonb(NEW.*);
        changes = logidze_diff_to_jsonb(NEW.*, OLD.*);
      END IF;

@skryukov WDYT?