
BUG: v1.0.1 issues with escaped json

Closed this issue · 1 comments

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What did you do?

We have a model with a json type (example below).

class TestObject < ActiveRecord::Base
  store_accessor :params, form_data: :json

What did you expect to happen?

When reading or writing to form_data, we would expect the values within to act like hashes.

What actually happened?

We're getting a lot of json values that are escaped multiple times – as many as three times.

This is causing errors in our code because the values returned are strings rather than (the expected) hashes.

Example value in db (params)
{"form_data": ""{\"user_query\":\"\"}""}
{"user_query" => ""}

I don't know what could be causing the serialization portion but the deserialization does have something strange (to me) happening. On the line below, "hash[key]" returns an transformed value for form_data "{"user_query":""}" – I would expect the raw value ({"form_data": ""{\"user_query\":\"\"}""}).

This is invalid. When you use store/serialize with a json or jsonb data type in PG, the adaptor casts it and then so does the coder. The Rails docs calls this out – we didn't RTFM.