
[not issue] Implement flask-admin in Go

pedia opened this issue ยท 2 comments

Flask-Admin is my favorite framework and used it in many projects.

Since I moved to Go, I started port flask-admin to Go gadmin. Now I publish a preview version. Maybe someone is interesting this.

Below simple/main.go

package main

import (


type User struct {
	Id                       string `gorm:"primaryKey;type:uuid;default:uuid_generate_v4()"`
	Type                     string
	EnumChoiceField          string `a:"enum:1=first,2=second;"`
	SqlaUtilsChoiceField     string
	SqlaUtilsEnumChoiceField int
	FirstName                string
	LastName                 string
	Email                    string
	Website                  string
	IpAddress                string `gorm:"comment:last logined ip address"`
	Currency                 string
	Timezone                 string
	DiallingCode             int
	LocalPhoneNumber         string
	FeaturedPostId           int

type Post struct {
	Id              int    `gorm:"primaryKey"`
	Title           string `gorm:"size:120"`
	Text            string
	Date            time.Time
	BackgroundColor string
	CreatedAt       time.Time `gorm:"default:CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"`
	UserId          uuid.UUID
	User            *User `gorm:"foreignKey:UserId"`

type Tag struct {
	Id   int    `gorm:"primaryKey"`
	Name string `gorm:"uniqueIndex"`

func main() {
	admin := gadmin.NewAdmin("Example: Simple Views")
	admin.AddView(gadmin.NewView("Test", "view1"))
	admin.AddView(gadmin.NewView("Test", "view2"))

	mv := gadmin.NewModalView(User{}).
		SetColumnList("type", "first_name", "last_name", "email", "ip_address", "currency", "timezone", "phone_number").
		SetColumnEditableList("first_name", "type", "currency", "timezone").
		SetColumnDescriptions(map[string]string{"first_name": "ๅ"}).

All template files are copied from flask-admin(bootstrap4 only).

Looks interesting, well done๐Ÿ‘. One thing caught yo me eye is that there is not any license file. I recommend adding one since it's not very convenient to use unlicensed software.

Good luck ๐Ÿ˜‡.

Looks interesting, well done๐Ÿ‘. One thing caught yo me eye is that there is not any license file. I recommend adding one since it's not very convenient to use unlicensed software.

Good luck ๐Ÿ˜‡.

MIT added