
A modern Alternative

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Since flask-mail has not been maintained for many years, I created a new Flask mail extension - flask-mailman, its core implementation is ported from Django's mail module, and which has the following advantages over flask-mail.

  • Built-in multiple mail backends, as well as support for customization.
  • The same simple and intuitive call interface.
  • Regularly synchronized with Django‘s new features and bug fixes.

If you encounter problems with flask-mail, feel free to have a try.

A group of us have been working to reactivate this project, which has now moved to the pallets-eco organization. Closing this, not making any statements about the merits of continuing to use flask-mail vs. switching to an alternative (people should use what makes them happy)

Flask-Mail is now part of the Pallets Community Ecosystem. Pallets is the open source organization that maintains Flask; Pallets-Eco enables community maintenance of Flask extensions. If you are interested in helping maintain this project, please reach out on the Pallets Discord server.