
Google provider

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Google oauth1.0 is deprecated

+1 - Google provider currently throws an exception with a successful API call

I'm using flask security and thought flask social would be the way to get google api log in going for my site. Is flask social using a depreciated method?

It is - here's a quick fix I put in when on_login_failed is triggered

def on_login_failed(sender, provider, oauth_response):
    connection_values = get_connection_values_from_oauth_response(provider, oauth_response)
    if == "Google":
        name = connection_values['full_name']['givenName'] + " " + connection_values['full_name']['familyName']
        connection_values['display_name'] = name
        connection_values['full_name'] = name
    # rest of your code after this

I started using flask-social about a week ago and do not see any problem with the google provider. I can successfully login.

I'd say this issue is obsolete.