
too many requests

riya2305 opened this issue · 7 comments

Unable to Generate OTP
429 {
"error": "Too Many Requests"

@pallupz please help

can anybody help asap

also, why is the otp being asked after 5 mins again and again it used to be after 15mins , earlier??

Yeah, have noticed this issue today. Not sure when it started. Are others facing this issue as well?

There isn't much documentation on the API but my guess is you're hitting the API rate limiter perhaps

Here is my thought..
As per API the limit is 100 request per 5 minutes
Which is 1 request per 3 seconds..
Even though the minimum refresh frequency is set to 5 secs. There is also a request in parallel to verify the beneficiary for token expiration, making it 2 requests per 5 secs and 100 request in 2.5 minutes which voilates the api rate limit

Is that sarcastic?

the math doesn't make a lot of sense (assuming rate limiter is applicable for ALL endpoints and hits across all endpoints are counted together in their calculation) but there isn't much we can do from a code point of view either.