
BUG: Validator is showing in active set, but not signing any blocks after upgrade to Paloma v1.13.3

taariq opened this issue · 4 comments

What is happening?

Section description Provide as much context as you can. Give as much context as you can to make it easier for the developers to figure what is happening.

BUG: Validator is showing in active set, but not signing any blocks after upgrade to Paloma v1.13.3
Paloma Logs: paloma logs

Pigeon Logs: pigeon logs

Paloma and pigeon versions and logs

Section description Write down paloma version. Write down pigeon version. Copy and paste pigeon config file as well as relevant ENV variables.

Paloma: v1.13.3
commit: 1ba2ba7

Pigeon: 1.11.0

How to reproduce?

Section description Please write detailed steps of what you were doing for this bug to appear.

Not able to reproduce. Validator shows as active:

But is not signing.

What is the expected behaviour?

Section description If you know, please write down what is the expected behaviour. If you don't know, that's ok. We can have a discussion in comments.

Active validators must sign.

Looks like they're continuously timing out. It might be related to the hardware used being too weak.

it's dedicated host
memory 128GB
CPU AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 16-Core Processor
2 x 2TB nvme disks (raid0)


cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep 'model name' | head -1
model name      : AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 16-Core Processor

cat /proc/meminfo | head -3
MemTotal:       131821124 kB
MemFree:          848136 kB
MemAvailable:   120575208 kB


13:40:53     CPU    %usr   %nice    %sys %iowait    %irq   %soft  %steal  %guest  %gnice   %idle
13:40:53     all    2.37    6.05    1.18    0.49    0.00    0.08    0.00    0.00    0.00   89.82

Device            r/s     rkB/s   rrqm/s  %rrqm r_await rareq-sz     w/s     wkB/s   wrqm/s  %wrqm w_await wareq-sz     d/s     dkB/s   drqm/s  %drqm d_await dareq-sz     f/s f_await  aqu-sz  %util
nvme0n1        530.20  10355.55     0.37   0.07    0.17    19.53  101.81  10347.38   130.25  56.13    0.61   101.64    0.42   1281.75     0.00   0.00    0.13  3021.64    0.00    0.00    0.15   7.25
nvme1n1        529.10  10339.99     0.46   0.09    0.17    19.54   78.64   9498.98   129.32  62.18    0.71   120.78    0.43   1299.59     0.00   0.00    0.13  2995.38    0.00    0.00    0.15   7.27

Closing as fixed by @pcheliniy

It was a my mistake and not really a problem, I messed up with node keys, during all this cleanups / inits.