
Download the data

quentin-hamard opened this issue · 1 comments

@paloukari @mwinton @ram-iyer
It seems that the data are no more available:
C:\Users\quentin.hamard>aws s3 cp s3://w251-orca-detector-data/data.tar.gz ./
fatal error: An error occurred (404) when calling the HeadObject operation: Key "data.tar.gz" does not exist
C:\Users\quentin.hamard>aws s3 cp s3://w251-orca-detector-data/vggish_weights.tar.gz ./
fatal error: An error occurred (404) when calling the HeadObject operation: Key "vggish_weights.tar.gz" does not exist
C:\Users\quentin.hamard>aws s3 cp s3://w251-orca-detector-data/orca_weights_616776.hdf5 ~/OrcaDetector/results/orca_weights_latest.hdf5
fatal error: An error occurred (404) when calling the HeadObject operation: Key "orca_weights_616776.hdf5" does not exist

I would like to re-use the CNN you trained to use it as a feature extractor.

Same problem, the weights seem not to be available anymore.

This is unfortunate, because this is a really good job. I have learned a lot just reading the code, and I had a couple of ideas to try to improve this model as well as additional data.