
WP8 Dashboard

Opened this issue · 8 comments

Create draft dashboard for WP8 - original is here

Repo has been forked along with wiki pages which can be found here

I think someone is editing it at the same time as me ...

I have edited the forked version following the rough guide of what was there originally. I'm not sure this is quite what is required however. @thomasholmrod What do you think?

@moving-northwards the existing dashboard can be modified to something that suits our needs. I.e. we should change the columns to something suitable for us.

I have actually changed the columns but perhaps they are too specific for each institute to contribute to in the same way . . .

can you add a directly link to the page here

@thomasholmrod Is this issue still current?
As the proposed dashboard was never reviewed it wasn't implemented into the master repo.
If you like this dashboard I can implement it into the panosc-eu organization's repo and update it.
Then I will probably delete the forked repo on pan-training. It was only created because I didn't have write access to panosc-eu.
In the future any one who wants to edit should just be given write access and create a branch rather than this.