Linker errors when using google-objectivec-client and google-plus-ios-sdk
GoogleCodeExporter opened this issue · 2 comments
GoogleCodeExporter commented
We are already using the google-api-client (through cocoapods, version 0.1.0)
in our project. We recently looked at adding the google-plus-ios-sdk to our
project. We are using Xcode 5.1, building for iOS 7.0.
We added the latest (1.7.0) of google-plus-ios-sdk version to our project with
the appropriate frameworks, but when we tried to build the project we were
presented with a slew of linker errors in the following form:
duplicate symbol _OBJC_METACLASS_$_GTMOAuth2Keychain in:
ld: 364 duplicate symbols for architecture i386
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
My guess is that the two SDKs are conflicting and have some overlapping data. I
have tried cleaning/deleting derived data and always get the same error.
Original issue reported on by
on 26 Jun 2014 at 12:45
GoogleCodeExporter commented
The Google+ SDK was built on top of other Google libraries but was not tested
with apps already using other libraries, so it may cause duplicates. You'll
need to remove the duplicated classes from your build, or open an issue against
the Google+ SDK.
Original comment by
on 30 Jun 2014 at 10:27
- Changed state: WontFix
GoogleCodeExporter commented
Have opened an issue against the Google+ SDK...
Disappointed that there is this discontinuity between the two libraries.
Original comment by
on 1 Jul 2014 at 1:33