
Bug: Failed parse data: Invalid element size detected

Closed this issue · 7 comments

What happened?

While trying to download data error happens.

Output from that snippet:

Starting download from 2022-11-17 11:30:00 to 2022-11-17 11:30:01 UTC
topics are: ['aufwickler-data', 'camera-1', 'cpu', 'damage-1', 'debug-camera-1', 'disk', 'kernel', 'mem', 'net', 'netstat', 'processes', 'rezeptmanager-data', 'swap', 'system', 'temp', 'trigger']
dict is: ['camera-1/1668684600200.dp', 'camera-1/1668684600402.dp', 'camera-1/1668684600603.dp', 'camera-1/1668684600805.dp']
image 0,  package: <drift_client.drift_data_package.DriftDataPackage object at 0x000001CD10E23D30> downloading
Failed parse data: Invalid element size detected
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "E:\bbraun_onsite\", line 79, in <module>
  File "E:\bbraun_onsite\", line 25, in get_data
    raw_img = package.as_np()
  File "E:\bbraun_onsite\.venv\lib\site-packages\drift_client\", line 16, in dec
    return func(self)
  File "E:\bbraun_onsite\.venv\lib\site-packages\drift_client\", line 120, in as_np
    return self.as_buffer().compose(scale_factor)
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'compose'





Programming Language

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Snippet to repeat the bug

def get_data(start_time):
    client = DriftClient("tesa-1d4.local", os.getenv("DRIFT_PASSWORD"))
    topics = ["camera-1"]
    end_time = start_time + timedelta(seconds = 1)

    print(f'Starting download from {start_time} to {end_time} UTC')
    print(f'topics are: {client.get_topics()}')

    for topic in topics:
        packages = client.get_package_names(topic, start_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), end_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
        print(f'dict is: {packages}')

        for i, package in enumerate(packages):
            package = client.get_item(str(package))
            if package.status_code == 0:
                print(f'image {i},  package: {package} downloading')
                raw_img = package.as_np()


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This is a bug in WaveletBuffer::Parse. I'll move the issue there.

The source of the data is a Linux machine which uses WaveletBuffer 0.4.0. Looks like this is an issue that the serialized packages aren't portable between Linux and Windows any more. It definitely worked for WaveletBuffer 0.2.0. @victor1234 do you have any ideas?

Wavelet Buffer versions are the same?

Yep, the same. I'll assign the issue to you and send the "broken" package.

The “broken” packages contain an outdated version of WaveletBuffer. We don't repeat this for the latest version.

It is an actual error. The marshalling of WaveletBuffer is not platform independent. It happens when SfCompressor is off and we use blaze::Archive for serialisations of subbands.

We misuse blaze’s serialazer in WaveletBuffer::Parse and WaveletBuffer::Serialize methods:

 blaze_arch >> buffer->impl_->decompositions_;

We need to serialise each subband separately. this is a breaking change and we have to support previous versions.


We create different implementations of serialiser and use serialization_version for switching.

class ISerializer {
   * Parses subbands from a blob of data and creates a new buffer
   * @param blob the blob of subbands
   * @return nullptr if it failed to parse the buffer
  [[nodiscard]] virtual std::unique_ptr<WaveletBuffer> Parse(
      const std::string& blob) = 0;

   * Serialize a buffer into the blob for saving in a file or sending via
   * network
   * @param blob the blob to serialize
   * @param sf_compression - 0 - switch off, 16 - max compression(bfloat).
   * @return return true if it has no error
  [[nodiscard]] virual bool Serialize(const WaveletBuffer& buffer,std::string* blob,
                               uint8_t sf_compression = 0) const = 0;

We make two implementations of ISerializer for current version (2) and new correct implementation for version (3). Also we need to create unit tests for both versions.