
Docker Image for Pandoc 3.1.2

disbolog opened this issue · 4 comments

Pandoc 3.1.2 which was released on March 28th is not listed in the available images to pull, would it be possible to prepare a dockerfile for this very version?

tarleb commented

It's being held up by #198, various pathogens, and a general lack of available child-care.

Pandoc 3.1.3 have been released a few days ago :
If I understand well, only the alpine-based container is being held up. Is it possible to release the ubuntu 3.1.2 (and 3.1.3 if available) now ? I've tried to build one for myself without success.

As we have still no news from the maintainers for this or #198, I'm sharing my own pandoc image I've created as a workaround, available on DockerHub. Feel free to use it if that can help you. It has pandoc 3.1.2 on latest alpine.