
Add git to pandoc images

me-kell opened this issue · 3 comments

AFAICS the pandoc images (pandoc/latex etc.) have not git installed.

On the other side I see in the alpine/Dokerfile that git is added with apk:

RUN apk --no-cache add \
alpine-sdk \
bash \
ca-certificates \
cabal \
fakeroot \
ghc \
git \
gmp-dev \
libffi \
libffi-dev \
lua$lua_version-dev \
pkgconfig \
yaml \

Do I miss some point or git is actually not installed in pandoc/latex?

We're using a multi-step process: first we create a "builder" container that contains all the tools required to build pandoc from source. After that's done we create a fresh container that has only a very minimal set of tools installed. Each FROM line creates a new container, and for the shipped containers we just copy the artifacts created in the build containers.

@tarleb Oh. I see. Thanks for the explanation.

@me-kell FTR the dalibo/pandocker image is based on pandoc/extra and it contains git